
Build Diagnostic Expert Systems - Deliver Repair Advice Online

Exsys Corvid® expert system development software is ideal for capturing diagnostic and repair knowledge to produce interactive on-line systems that provide detailed, situation-specific advice comparable to talking to an expert. End user's can access an interactive system from any web browser, answer some questions and get precise advice on systematically diagnosing problems and recommended steps for repair. Far better than search or FAQs, they provide precise, reasoned advice based on the knowledge of your top experts and exact diagnostic best practices for even complex, probabilistic situations.

Exsys expert system development tools and knowledge engineering consulting services are the result of 30 years of enhancement, refinement and utilization in real-world problems. Exsys Inc has worked with industry, business, government and military agencies in building diagnostic expert systems, and has a proven track record of successful, high ROI systems. Cessna , USAF, Ford, EPRI, and many Fortune 100 companies have built diagnostic expert systems with Exsys tools. Case studies on some of these can be seen below.

When equipment breaks it needs to get fixed as quickly as possible. If it is part of a production line it can disrupt manufacturing. If it is a product that was sold to a customer, the ability to get it fixed quickly and correctly will strongly influence the customer's satisfaction and influence potential future sales.

Typically a company has a few highly talented experts that can very quickly diagnose the cause of a problem and fix it. They have the ability to rapidly recognize the various possible causes, and the subtle differences that enable them to identify the underlying problem. However, this level of knowledge is scarce since it is based on many years of experience.

Diagnostic reasoning is often complex. An expert knows that a particular combination of symptoms indicate one cause, but slightly different symptoms might indicate a totally different cause. It is very difficult to teach this type of reasoning to a novice since it is based on so many independent factors that have to be combined to reach a conclusion. However, if you ask experts "How did you know that was the cause?" they can explain it in detail and you will likely get a series of rules - "If you see ... generally it is..., but if you also see ... then that is almost never the cause".

Corvid makes it practical to capture this type of expert knowledge and deliver it with the Exsys Inference Engine, which is designed for handling probabilistic rules. Diagnostic expert systems are one of the most common applications of Exsys Corvid. The processes human experts use to diagnose a problem are easily converted into Corvid's rule-based representation, which has special features for handling both probabilistic and deterministic diagnostic approaches. Corvid generates online interactive, web-based systems that provide customers and staff with virtual access to your top experts to resolve problems 24/7.

End users are asked questions based on the logic of the expert - drilling down where needed, but without asking irrelevant questions. The system uses the methodology of the expert to reach specific conclusions and combines the probabilistic rules to provide the most likely cause(s) of the failure.

Exsys expert systems handle diagnostics very differently from "case-based reasoning" or search approaches, which attempt to find previous similar situations, in the hope that what worked before will work again. This can be an appealing concept, but is fundamentally only a guess based on pattern similarity, rather than a reasoned analysis of the problem. Guesses will sometimes be wrong because while a previous case may be "similar" it may not actually match in some important key factors. Even when there is a good match, the actions taken previously may not be the correct or best thing to do. Corvid will provide precise expert advice based on specific defined logic that can be understood, reviewed and maintained.

Corvid systems can also interface to sensors, databases or measuring equipment to provide information needed by the systems that automatically monitor processes and watch for developing problems.

The Exsys Corvid expert system development tool is aimed at non-programmers, with system rules written in English (or any other language) and algebra. Exsys Corvid can be learned quickly, with most users able to build small systems after only a few hours on-line training. Free demo versions of Exsys Corvid and online tutorials are available to get you started.

With Exsys Corvid Knowledge Automation diagnostic systems in-house equipment will get fixed faster and more efficiently, even when the human expert is not available. For your customers, on-line self-service systems can provide diagnosis of complex problems that would have been impossible before.

Contact us today for a free Web conference. We'd be happy to discuss your diagnostics project, and provide practical and realistic solutions.


Some case studies of Exsys Diagnostic and Repair systems.
(Click on the titles for more details):


"The US Air Force Oil analysis programs reported a total cost avoidance figure in millions of dollars in F-16 engine damages. A conservative estimate for the total cost avoidance generated in the USAF by (knowledge automation system) oil analysis would be over hundreds of millions of dollars." "

Machinery Oil Analysis - Methods, Automation & Benefits
Larry A. Toms
