Exsys RuleBooks are simplified, intuitive development environments tuned to particular types of problem-solving. They provide a methodology that greatly simplifies building specific types of systems. RuleBooks are complete development environments in themselves and systems can be built and maintained quickly and easily, and at a low cost.

Exsys Selector RuleBook systems allow top-level product recommendation (or probabilistic identification) expert knowledge to be directly delivered over the Web. These systems will recommend the best products for the customer's requirements using a conversational interface that emulates the interaction the customer would have with an expert salesperson. Each selected product can be displayed with a detailed customized report on how it matches the customer's individual requirements. The customer is given accurate and specific recommendations that they can act on immediately.

Find Out Which Dog Breed is Best for You

This demo shows how a complex selection with many factors can be handled in Exsys Selector RuleBook. It illustrates asking multiple questions on the same screen and using graphics in the Results to show each selected breed. Clicking on the image of the dog opens a new Web page that calls Google to search for various sites related to the breed. For more information on how this systems has built, click here.

Sit Back...Relax...Let the Caribbean Vacation Advisor Take You Away

This system advises on the best Caribbean island to visit, based on your interests. It also illustrates adding images into questions and linking from the recommended islands to the associated island tourism Web site.

Choose Your Marathon Madness

This system advises on the best marathon race to enter, based on your running preferences. It also illustrates the use of animated GIFs in system design, and linking from the recommended races to the associated race Web site.

Cell Phone Selector and Tutorial

This system is a simple cell phone selection system that is built using the tutorial for Exsys RuleBook Selector. The tutorial is a hands-on lesson in using Selector RuleBook. It takes only a few hours and teaches you how to use the main features and functions of the program. The tutorial is part of the Selector RuleBook demo download. To view a PDF of the tutorial lessions, click here.

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